How a Data Avalanche was Smartly Handled by One University
Whether in a business or in a school, “on-boarding” new people is administratively intensive and fraught with potential for mistakes, particularly when many on-boarding processes are done manually. In a higher education setting, processing an influx of new freshmen every year is an enormous undertaking, and it has to be done correctly to ensure […]
Why You’re Probably Spending Too Much Time with Online Forms
Most businesses realize that online forms are essential to maximizing productivity, accelerating forms workflows, and minimizing errors. But it can be frustrating to turn to online forms only to find that the improvement over paper forms is minimal, and that your workflows haven’t become smoother or faster. Making a big capital investment in on-premises […]
6 Tips for Creating a Teacher Feedback Form
One of the best sources of information on how effective your teachers are is right in front of them: their students. Feedback forms for teachers from students have long been used in college and university settings, particularly with graduate student instructors who are monitored by professors. Sure, it can be a little scary to ask […]
How to Use Online Forms to Convert Visitors to Customers
Online forms are practically mandatory for any company that does business online. The problem is, most people don’t like filling out forms. If they’re going to spend time completing an online form, they want the payoff to be worth it. But there are many things you can do to engage people and encourage them to […]
What Is a Perfect Form?
It won’t be long until we’re in the thick of the Rio 2016 Olympics, where gymnasts, divers, equestrians, and others will demonstrate their outstanding form in front of a worldwide audience. Even in a rarefied atmosphere like the Olympics, “perfect” form is rare, though it has happened occasionally. Have you ever thought about whether the […]
Is There Such a Thing as a Perfect Form?
Have you ever worked for the military, or for a company that keeps track of form revisions? If so, it’s clear to see from the revision numbers just how challenging it can be to create the perfect form on paper. What’s more, if you’ve printed out 1,000 copies before discovering a mistake, you have to […]
How to Find the Right Form Creation Software
When your business has a quick and easy resource for creating business forms, you’ll save time, reduce waste and resource consumption, and help keep administrative functions organized. Paper forms served well when there weren’t electronic alternatives, but when you implement electronic forms you quickly realize how many disadvantages there are to paper-based processes. Not […]
Success! 4 Businesses That Did Better with PerfectApps
Rare is the business in any industry that doesn’t use forms. Forms are great for standardizing procedures and ensuring that all necessary information is available before taking the next step in a process. Paper forms, however, are outdated in the age of 24/7 connectivity. Paper forms cause “friction” in work processes, slowing things down and […]