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PerfectApps™ Help Guide

At any time during the design process you can use the File / Preview option to see how the app looks and behaves in preview mode. This can be useful for testing the look and feel of your app and the functionality of the behavior included in your app, but it will not be able to test the workflow logic.

Testing your workflow logic can only be achieved by generating an instance of the app and running it through the different workflow stages.


There is a very useful feature included in PerfectApps that allows you to test your app's workflow in draft mode with notifications all diverted to yourself. This allows you to fully test your app before making it a public app.


To test your app in draft mode with notifications diverted to yourself see Testing Your App Using Draft Instances



Once you have completed your own initial testing of your app you may also want to test your app with a small group of internal users who will be using it in production mode. In this case you would publish your app first and create real, non-draft, instances.


Next: Publishing Your App


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