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App Design - Getting Started

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Very often, your first decision will be to decide which process to build first. If you only have one process to build then that decision is made for you, but when there may be several processes to build, some factors can influence this decision.


Here are a few pointers that might help:


Start with a simple process:

There is no point in making things harder than they need to be by starting with a complex process. You will learn many new skills building even a simple process, which will undoubtedly help with any future, less simple, apps you build later.


Choose a process that needs to be built:

You may have several existing processes that are working perfectly well; those might be ones that you can look to build later. If you have processes that are not working right now, they might be better ones to consider starting with, providing that they are not complex processes (see previous comment) and are ready to be built (see following comment).


Choose a process that is ready to be built:

When you start to build a process, especially one that is not working well at the moment, there will almost certainly be a need to make minor modifications to that process. It is essential that you and the stakeholders in the process decide what those modifications are before you start.



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