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PerfectApps™ Help Guide

When your own testing is completed and you want to publish your app for further testing or for production use, select your app in the Apps Dashboard and click the Publish button.


Alternatively, from the Apps Workspace, select your App and click the Publish button Universal - Publish button. Or from the App Designer select the File menu and the Publish option.



Note that prior to publishing your app the Link button is disabled.


Publish App


Once the app has been published the Link button will now be enabled. Click the button to see all the code that you might need to generate a new instance of the app.



A static link that can be shared between all users. This link will open a new instance of the app when pasted into a browser bar.



A static link placed within HTML tags. These can be placed directly in an HTML formatted web page.



Code to use if you are looking to embed your app into a webpage.



This is also code to use if you are looking to embed your app into a web page, but this code will ensure that the app is pre-loaded before the page is shown. This might be particularly useful for large apps that might take a little longer to load.


External Call

An advanced feature explained here: External Callback



See Also: Report Design - Getting Started


Return to: App Design - Getting Started, QuickStart Tutorials