
How to Handle Pushback When Implementing Automated Workflows

Most people long for technologies that would make their day-to-day work faster and easier, yet when someone actually proposes such technologies, they may balk. New ways of doing things are unsettling, because there are so many questions. Will the system make sense? Will jobs be in jeopardy because of automation? Who will people ask for […]

How Online Forms and Automated Workflows Help with Market Research

Smaller and newer businesses may not have the resources necessary to contract out market research, or to use the more expensive market research tools designed for big enterprises. However, they can use online forms and automated workflows to organize and manage their in-house market research efforts and gain valuable insights. Ongoing market research is essential […]

Use Online Forms and Workflows to Power Ideas and Innovation

The best ideas and innovations for your business may come from your employees. The people who carry out work processes every day are in the perfect position to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and quite often they think of ways to overcome these problems. But not all businesses are friendly to innovation, and that’s a shame. […]

Manage Office Safety with Online Forms and Automated Workflows

In some work environments, it’s obvious why safety training and procedures must be extensive and frequently updated. Heavy equipment, potentially hazardous chemicals, and tools that operate at high temperatures necessitate extensive and constant attention to worker safety. But even if your business takes place in an air-conditioned office where the only “heavy equipment” is a […]

Online Forms and Workflows Help Healthcare Providers Recruit Patients

The healthcare industry is under constant pressure to hold down costs, while providing personalized care and maintaining strict confidentiality. The development of electronic health records (EHRs) has helped healthcare organizations move away from paper-based records and their inherent problems, but EHRs are not the only ways healthcare providers make sure patients receive the care they […]

Quality Over Quantity: Getting the Most from Your Online Forms

You don’t have to operate an e-commerce business or a B2B business to use online forms. Online forms are a fact of life for real estate businesses, law firms, consultancies, and countless other types of businesses. It’s probably safe to say that most types of businesses with any type of online presence can benefit from […]

Online Forms vs. Paper Forms: There’s Simply No Contest

Business and forms go together and have done so for a century or more. It’s easy for businesses, particularly those that have been around for a long time, to stick with tried and true ways of doing things. This may unfortunately mean using paper forms even after significantly better alternatives exist. If your business or […]

How Automated Workflows Help Community or Collaborative Projects

One of the most wonderful things about the internet is the fact that it allows communities to tap into the minds and talents of many people at once – even if those people are geographically scattered. Idea competitions and innovation contests are examples of crowdsourced projects, as is Wikipedia, the multi-lingual, web-based, free encyclopedia. Bird […]

Relocating? Consider How Workflows Work in Your New Space.

Moving your business into a new space is both exciting and a bit scary. It represents a fundamental change of the physical space in which your business will operate, and you have the potential to make the most of the changes when planning your move. Naturally, you will coordinate with movers, and have a plan […]

Web Forms and Why They Should Integrate with Your Form Software

Twenty or so years ago, when the internet really started to gain traction with individuals and businesses, we could only imagine some of the ways we use it today. Business visionaries knew that the web could be a tool for transmitting information like no other, and over time we started ordering products and services online, […]